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Dedicated to improving corporate governance in Japan and abroad 

Voices of Employees and Shareholders of Sekisui House

Mission Statement observes that a Sekisui House shareholders’ petition was filed on February 14, 2020 to introduce a distinguished eleven board director slate (the “slate”) comprised of a majority of independent directors for election at Sekisui House’s late April 2020 annual shareholders meeting.  The website endorses this slate to be elected as a group and changes the website focus to provide the slate a speakers’ podium for fostering corporate governance reform at Sekisui House, which the slate believes will be a model to effect positive change for other companies in Japan and Asia

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In the first place, governance is a mechanism for monitoring and controlling management, and the role of directors is to make the machine function as entrusted by shareholders.  At a company with advanced governance, the chairman and convener are both outside directors.  Having two insider leaders as chairman and convener could allow arbitrary operations."

-The Weekly Economist

article: “Sekisui House Board of Directors rules changed” April 6, 2020


Learn about the Shareholder Proposal to Sekisui House


Read the Investigation Report conducted on Sekisui House

Board Candidates

Meet the Board Candidates

Contact Us

We want to hear from you! Contact us if with any questions or feedback

Our Three Principals


Implement 3 elements of global-standard management


Create a foundation for continual growth


Manage by looking after people (staff, partner companies and customers)

VOTE 2020

We seek your vote or proxy in the upcoming annual shareholders’ meeting to be scheduled for April 23,  2020

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